Monday, January 25, 2016

Are you a true friend?

Have you ever had that one friend who disappointed you or made you realize you were just being used by them? I have. Many times. I think we can all say on some degree that we have been let down by a friend. Just like every relationship, you put yourself out there time and time again and yet each time you get hurt. Maybe you are that one rare person who has had a best friend for many years and you have no issues with each other. If you are that person, congratulations. It is rare to find a true friendship like that.

Lately I have had to re-evaluate my friendships. I have friends who haven't been there for me, but expected me to be there for them. They decided that they had better things to do than to come to my wedding, meet my husband, or (after having kids) see my children. They don't text or call except when they need me.  I see them post photos and comments on Facebook with other friends, but they never ask me to join in on their fun. This can make you feel used and alone. I
understand life can sometimes tear friendships apart. Maybe you got married and moved away, had kids, your schedule became really hectic or work kept you busy. Regardless of life events, you always need a friend especially when you are going through those tough times.

Today's friendships are what I call "friends of convenience". You are their friend when it's convenient for them. I'm so tired of these friendships. I have decided to share how a true friend is supposed to act. Here it goes:

A true friend...

  • supports your dreams, ambitions, crazy schemes, relationships (when healthy), and personal decisions
  • tells you the truth no matter what- this includes if they are mad at you, if you're being stupid or crazy, if you're acting, speaking, looking dumb, or are making bad decisions
  • calls, texts, and visits as often as they can- even if out of the blue to just say hi or see how you are doing. They don't go months without speaking to you and then one day need something from you
  • doesn't use you for your generosity
  • is there for you when you need them most and when you just want to have fun
  • gets into messes with you- doesn't watch you make them and then leave you to deal with the consequences alone
  • drops everything during emergencies to be there for you
  • loves you and your crazy family regardless of the situation
  • celebrates the most important moments in your life with you
Are you this type of friend? If not then you have some work to do. I pray everyone finds the type of friend that they need and want. God Bless.