Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A Major Milestone!!

We have some great news!! Although this may not seem like the biggest news to many of you, to us it's a major milestone! February, as you know, started out with horrible news. Our family was threatened with hospitalization for Madison if she didn't start gaining weight soon. Since that day we have been doing our best to achieve a minimum 1000 calories a day. Some days we attain these calories easily and others seem to be an uphill battle. The second week of February was a sick week. Both of the kiddos came down with colds and it took all we had in us to survive the week. Finally the girls seemed better but Madison still had a cough so it was back to the Dr's office for us. Our Dr must be tired of seeing us because we were in the Dr's office once a week for the whole month of February due to sickness. While there though, we learned that Madison had gained a full pound!!!! This is amazing as Maddie hadn't gained any weight for 8 months prior. We were so excited and felt that all of our hard work was paying off. This was short lived though. Madison was put on an antibiotic for her cough that wouldn't go away and that's when things started going south. Somewhat.

The first night we gave Maddie the medicine she had reached her 1000+ calories. Less than a minute after taking her medicine she threw up most of the days food. This happened again the next night. Within 4 days she had lost .6 ounces of the 1lb that she gained. While this was disheartening, it was also not as bad because she had still retained some of the weight she gained. The days that followed her sickness she didn't reach her 1000 calories. While this saddened me (because I stress if we don't reach our goals) I knew she would eventually get back to her normal calorie intake. Her Dr changed the deadline for which she needed to gain weight before hospitalization as well. She was excited that Maddie was showing progress and even stated that Maddie was looking much better in the face.

Now, I know we have a long ways to go and I know that God is working in our little girl to help her overcome her sensory issues and picky eating. I know this because I can already see the changes. Madison recently started mimicking everything we do. She saw daddy eating a bowl of cereal and decided that she wanted some. So, we gave her her own bowl with milk and cereal and to our surprise she ate it all! She even asked for seconds! She has since eaten a slice of pizza at daycare, a slice for us at home and is even eating foods that she wouldn't touch for a while!! She is even requesting her tooth brush during the day so she can brush her teeth while she watches her Mickey Mouse Club House shows. Yay!! I am so excited and I know that this is the start of even more great things to come.